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Past Featured Artists
(Since April 15, 2011)

Mizfit tha Menace

Mizfit Tha Menace has released his first official album, Audio Horror Story: Season 1, a Horror spoken word album. Through his music, he aims to provide listeners with an experience similar to that of viewing short horror films. This CD is ten tracks, all of which are self composed/produced, recorded, mixed, and mastered. His goal is to always provide content that is both genuine and enjoyable.

"Midnight Syndicate pulls you into the world of the song. They give you the sounds, and those sounds, create your experience. I enjoy the depth of the music they create. A few of my favorite tracks are 'Grisly Reminder', 'Cemetery Gates', and 'Freakshow'."

-- Mizfit tha Menace

Chris Kullstroem

Here's a really GREAT read on horror-themed shows from around the world that we were thrilled to be a small part of. Drawn to the Dark: Explorations in Scare Tourism around the World is a travel narrative from author, Chris Kullstroem, that looks at the portrayal of demons, devils and other sinister characters in festivals, haunted attractions, horror camps and other themed venues around the world. After traveling for a year abroad, Chris based her return through the United States to time up with our Midnight Syndicate Live! Legacy of Shadows show at Cedar Point in 2014. Through her haunting story, Chris demonstrates a sense of community that can actually be built through dark-themed shows, and why entertaining, monstrous creatures hold universal draws. Drawn to the Dark is now available on Amazon!

Quote from book: "I immediately became lost in the music as the mystifying notes penetrated the theater. I was no longer in Cedar Point now, or anywhere else in the 'normal world'. I was immersed in a place of eerie things. I pictured strange creatures emerging from the ancient graveyard before me. I could see them being summoned by the music. The musicians played slowly and elegantly, then picked up in momentum as the song grew powerful."

-- Chris Kullstroem

Grave Tone Productions

Grave Tone Productions is back with their most heavy, aggressive and darkest album to date. Featuring their trademark metal riffs set to a bed of symphonic arrangements and ambient soundscapes, Grave Tone Productions has expanded the boundaries of haunt/horror music. Their latest release, DYING WITHIN, plays like a modern horror movie soundtrack and the horror community has embraced this heavier edge with rave reviews. You can order DYING WITHIN at most digital outlets including iTunes and CD's are available on their website.

"Midnight Syndicate played an important role in the creation of Grave Tone Productions. Having been a musician and a huge fan of horror my entire life, it was when I first heard 'Family Secrets' and 'Haunted Nursery' that I decided I wanted to produce HORROR music. They have paved the way for stand-alone haunt/horror music!"

-- Brian Davis (Grave Tone Productions)

Mark Zahn

A new book inspired by the music of Midnight Syndicate. A famous, reclusive author pronounced legally dead; a former insane asylum haunted by the spirits of its tortured patients; a trio of brainy youths intent on deciphering a mystery five years in the making. The Haverghast Inheritance plunges the reader into a page-turning adventure where danger lurks around every corner... and everyone is a suspect! Mark Zahn is the author of the humorous, offbeat novel Earned Rum, the young adult novel Young Poe, and co-author of the noir thriller Fable Land, as well as many other books - all of which can be found on Amazon. He lives in Minnesota with his wife and two children.

"'The Haverghast Inheritance' is inspired by the music of Midnight Syndicate and the Haverghast family mythos they've created on their albums. You wouldn't be holding the book in your hands today if it hadn't been for their musical genius and their love and constant outreach to their legions of fans!"

-- Mark Zahn

David Weatherly

Step inside the world of haunted toys. This new book by David Weatherly explores unnerving games that skirt the edges of darkness, antiques with spirits that have never let them go, locations where ghosts still play with toys and, of course, creepy dolls that are a bit too lifelike. The book can be purchased at https://www.amazon.com/David-Weatherly/e/B01N59JC6U/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1. For more on David Weatherly's other paranormal research visit http://twocrowsparanormal.blogspot.com/.

"Midnight Syndicate creates the perfect background music as I write about my explorations into the world of the supernatural."

-- David Weatherly

The Night Keep

"Ex Tenebris" is a new sci-fi gothic horror adventure from the dark ambient project, The Night Keep. It is one part audio drama of sci-fi action and terror, and one part cinematic music. Inspired heavily by some of the greatest in the genre, most notably Aliens and Event Horizon, "Ex Tenebris" weaves thematic orchestral compositions with retro-inspired atmospheres. The album is available on on BandCamp, CD Baby, Amazon, Spotify, and the website for The Night Keep (http://nightkeep.com).

"Midnight Syndicate... where to begin? Whether it's giving that imaginative enhancement on a rainy night, or the mystical enhancement to my D&D campaigns, these guys have proven that they are masters of the macabre. Their music weaves tapestries of mystique and horror that will haunt you long after the final chord has struck."

-- Daniel Edenfeld, The Night Keep

Weird Darkness

Creator and host Darren Marlar presents stories of ghosts, demons, cryptids, the unsolved, the unexplained, aliens, and other true and terrifying paranormal events, many which have been submitted by fans of the show.

The stories are set to the music of Midnight Syndicate and our friends over at Shadows Symphony. Darren Marlar is a professional voice over artist and his voice can be heard on numerous YouTube channels and shows, including his own with Weird Darkness and The Daily Dose of Weird News. He can also be heard on thousands of radio commercials, TV spots, and has been used as "the big voice guy" for radio stations, podcasts, videos, and film trailers. You can listen in at http://www.WeirdDarkness.com.

"As an audio producer I'm extremely picky regarding the sound of my creations. Once I discovered Midnight Syndicate, I couldn't get enough of it – I downloaded four albums in the first hour and just kept listening."

-- Darren Marlar

Lacrymosa Aeterna

Lacrymosa Aeterna is a dark classical crossover duet band from Thessaloniki, Greece. George Palousis is the composer and producer and Vamptessa Debbie is the vocalist and lyricist. Their music is inspired by the enchanted realm of fairy tales,the breath-taking nature and the mystical essence of emotions. You can find them on YouTube and Facebook.

"Midnight Syndicate have given a totally unique meaning to Gothic/Horror/Halloween music genre. Their haunted melodies transcend you to places where darkly fairy tales become real and reality seems only like a figment of the imagination."

-- Vamptessa Debbie, Lacrymosa Aeterna

Bad Jack Productions

Our friend Marc Straight at Bad Jack Productions has just released two new dark atmospheric albums in time for Halloween! Marc describes his music as "soundscapes of horror." Developed for haunted attractions, they feature a blend orchestral and atmospheric terror to whomever is brave enough to listen. Check them out at: https://itunes.apple.com/…/artist/marc-straight/id1167159983.

"When I was ten years old in my first haunted attraction I heard Midnight Syndicate. I had always played instruments and loved scary things but they showed me that I could bring those two things together. From then on, and to this day I've always pursued that. Thank you for always providing inspiration and being amazing artists."
-- Marc Straight, Bad Jack

João Martins (grendel)

Some pretty amazing fan art from Portuguese artist, João Martins - grendel who said he was inspired by the music to make this piece, entitled Enigma. If you like this, João has much more on his website at: https://grendelart.carbonmade.com/about or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/grendelartjoaomartins/.

"From time to time, I get inspired to create my works through music. This time, I was listening to a few darkwave and neo-classical bands and others influenced by gregorian chants, including Midnight Syndicate.
-- João Martins - grendel

Shadow's Symphony

Our friends over at Shadows Symphony have a new album out entitled Desolate Horror. Set in a cabin deep in the woods during the dead of winter, the album is both atmospheric and haunting. "It's one of my favorite CDs I've written," said composer Grant Smoker. We agree! To preview and purchase the album, visit Shadows Symphony on iTunes and be sure to follow them on Facebook.

"It's been a surreal journey writing horror music. I've been a huge fan of Midnight Syndicate since high school and they continue to be an inspiration to this day. Shadow's Symphony would simply not exist if it weren't for Ed and Gavin. We owe them so much for this. I'm ecstatic to be a part of this genre of Haunting music." - Grant Smoker

Grave Tone Productions

Grave Tone Productions is back from the dead with their new release, Found Remains...Songs from the Grave. A collection of previously unreleased material, Found Remains continues the ambient, metal and symphonic stylings of haunt/horror music that has been well received throughout the horror community. Found Remains is available on iTunes.

Grave Tone Productions has been described as atmospheric with creepy keys and metal grinding riffs. A hybrid that dances the line between concept album and a sales pitch to the horror film industry.

"Midnight Syndicate played an important role in the creation of Grave Tone Productions. Having been a musician and a huge fan of horror my entire life, it was when I first heard 'Family Secrets' and 'Haunted Nursery' that I decided I wanted to produce HORROR music. They have paved the way for stand-alone haunt/horror music!" - Brian Davis (Grave Tone Productions)

Bryan Donihue

The monsters in our nightmares are real, and they enter our world when the boundaries of reality become thin. There is a secret government agency that is charged with protecting humanity from our monsters, and their job is to make sure the public never finds out. Knightmare is the newest Homeland Security team, bringing together the elite from the armed forces, federal law enforcement, and even the Vatican. Their first mission should be an easy one. It is a glorified training mission to hunt a couple new vampires. What could go wrong?

INCURSION: Knightmare is the first book in the Knight's Bane trilogy. The trilogy will focus on Team Knightmare as they hunt the monsters that prey on the innocent. This is also the first book of the Incursion Legends series exploring the dark urban paranormal called the Hidden World.

Midnight Syndicate's music was the PERFECT soundtrack to writing this book. Four of their albums feature prominently on the playlist that I write with: 'Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan', 'Monsters of Legend', 'Dungeons & Dragons', and 'Out of the Darkness'. The dark, brooding arrangements and the haunting melodies really helped keep my mind in the scenes of my book.
-- Bryan Donihue

Moaner T. Lawrence

Author Moaner T. Lawrence, makes his fiction debut today (Black Friday) on Pseudopod.org, the world’s largest horror fiction podcast. Moaner's new short story, Bad Newes from New England is an alternative telling of the first Thanksgiving. Since Moaner knew we might be too tired from feasting to read, he and the good folks at Pseudopod were kind enough to put it into mp3 format for your listening pleasure for FREE! The artwork for the post is titled Zombie Thanksgiving by Brandon Leach. Visit http://b33nine.com for more amazing eye candy.

I've been a supporter and fan of Midnight Syndicate for a long time. My autographed copy of 'Born of the Night' is among my most prized possessions.
-- Moaner T. Lawrence

Frances Mullozzi

Frances Mullozzi is a beauty makeup instructor, and a special effects freelance artist. She has a passion and respect for beauty and sfx and loves the variety that both makeup worlds have to offer. She enjoyed the entire process of creating this prosthetic, the hard work and end result was very rewarding.

I love the variety of music Midnight Syndicate offers. It helps me stay focused and ignites my imagination. The music sets an atmosphere and brings my characters to life, with the sounds of the melodies. I'm a huge fan and listen while sculpting, driving, or relaxing at home. I would recommend Midnight Syndicate to all artists and is a must have for all music lovers!
-- Frances Mullozzi

Kendrick von Schiller

What's a girl to do when the lines of reality become blurred? The Sect of Seven was supposed to be a fairytale... When she finds her home destroyed one night by the one thing she loves, Fura Feuer goes from working at the local Renaissance Festival to discovering an ancient parallel realm, filled with darkness and magic. Now, stuck with a man who acts as if he'd rather have never met her, they have to put aside their differences to stop a prophecy years in the making, for the Nyte-Fyre Prophecy has finally been unleashed... Sparks and Shadows is the first novel in a series of eight by author Kendrick von Schiller.

I've been listening to Midnight Syndicate for years. It's excellent background music that is not only a superb mix of dark and creepy, but is also artistically inspiring. It is fantastic for setting scenes and immersing myself into the world I've created. I included them in the dedication, because without their music, I don't know where my novel would be.
-- Kendrick von Schiller

Mark Ailes

Take the book Jurassic Park, remove the dinosaurs, replace them with zombies and you get Mark Ailes' new book, Zombie Park. How dangerous can it be for the military to build a zombie park? What could possibly go wrong? The military promised that there was zero possibility for the zombies to escape. They were dead wrong. Check it out on Amazon at: http://bit.ly/1FH5qrA.

I listened to 'Out of the Darkness' while I wrote 'Zombie Park.' The music is an inspiration and mentally prepares me for the madness needed to write the best zombie novels possible.
-- Mark Ailes

Virgil Franklin

Our friend and fellow Halloween Music composer, Virgil Franklin, has just released his newest CD of mellifluous melodies of the macabre sure to set your nerves on edge and chill your blood to the freezing point. A frightening collection of themes and soundscapes perfect for your Halloween event or simply to serve as a sonic backdrop to your darkest nightmares! Click the link below for this release and many classic Virgil CDs.


Midnight Syndicate have always served as a huge inspiration for my haunt-related composition. Always raising the bar and setting the standard, Midnight Syndicate are my personal go-to when I want to enjoy a 'haunt fix'.
-- Virgil Franklin


True phobias: paralyzing, crippling fears, most times irrational, can make movie watching a horrifying experience. This October, climb aboard Pantophobia Haunted House's "tram" wagon and tour their Hollyweird Back Lots as we unearth those characters that have left you scarred for life.

I opened my first haunted house in New Jersey in 2002 called the Haunted Hotel. I went to the Transworld show and that is where I met and fell in love with Midnight Syndicate. I instantly bought all the CDs that were for sale at the time. My favorite is Born of the Night. Today, when I listen to that piece, it takes me right back to the first year and opening night. Great memories.

I also do the graphic design for the haunt and I'll put Midnight Syndicate's music on while I'm designing, just for inspiration. It's the only music I have ever used at my haunt. Even now. It's Eerie Beautiful!

-- Adrian Ciccone

The Ghostman & Demon Hunter Show

Shaun Burris (GhostMan) & Nathan Schoonover (Demon Hunter) (A&E Television Extreme Paranormal) also Co-Host the award winning, Paranormal/Horror/SciFi radio program Ghostman & Demon Hunter Show, www.ghostanddemon.com. Their show is one of the longest running Science Fiction/Horror/Comedy/Para Entertainment Shows in the Country, and one of only two who has had the honor of their Radio Program made into a Television series.

In the past, they have had guests such as William B. Davis (XFiles), Dan Fogler (Balls of Fury), Lance Burton (Master Magician), Don Wildman from Mysteries at the Museum, Mike Rooker from Walking Dead & Guardians of the Galaxy, Author Max Brooks (World War Z), Actor Scott Wilson (Walking Dead), Ross Marquand (TWD) and many more over the years. They air live every Sunday night on FM Radio/Stitcher/Planet Paranormal Radio & Action Audio Apps (as well as many others) and most Internet Radio.

No matter what we are doing, either on the Road filming some Paranormal series or rocking out LIVE on Air with The GhostMan & Demon Hunter Show, we love to listen to Midnight Syndicate. No matter where you are or what time of year you can always capture the Mystery & Shadows of the Unexplained and the Crisp Halloween feeling by playing some Midnight Syndicate.
-- GhostMan Shaun.B

The music of Midnight Syndicate is a love song playing in your nightmares. It brings together the fun, the beautiful and the macabre, and it is a dark pleasure to hear them at the opening of every Ghostman & Demon Hunter Show.
-- Nathan Schoonover, aka. The Demon Hunter

Mystary Records "2706"

"Once you've taken your last step into Building Suite 2706, your darkest nightmares become reality." Preview and purchase this new dark, atmospheric album by Mystary at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/2706-limited-edition/id1031056131. For more horror soundtracks from Mystary, visit http://MystaryRecords.weebly.com.

Midnight Syndicate are the greatest legends in horror music. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be as far as I am today musically. They are truly a big inspiration to the horror industry and a blessing to every artist that can appreciate real music

-- Mystary

John Wayne Hawkes

Hawkes Eye Volume One is the first of several mini-anthologies John Wayne Hawkes will be releasing this year. This volume contains three tales which blend horror, action and the occasional not-so-happy ending. Inside you'll meet a father and son hunting a werewolf, an elderly blind man on the last leg of his life's journey, and a Skin Walker who finds himself in the role of vigilante. You can preview the books and find out more at: johnwaynehawkes.com.

I'd recommend Midnight Syndicate to anyone, but especially to writers who like to have music playing while they create. Their unique sound is exactly what you need when you're looking to climb into the depths of your mind and unearth the creations buried there.

-- John Wayne Hawkes

Sam Haynes

Some great haunt music from the UK! Rondo award nominee Sam Haynes has just released his new album The Incredible Dark Carnival. Chilling atmosphere combined with infectious grooves and killer beats, inspired by 70s and 80s horror soundtracks, but with a modern take, the latest CD is a dark ambient ride into a sinister world of killer clowns and circus freaks. From homages to classic eras in horror and dark ambient pieces oozing with atmosphere to twisting classic horror scores with electronic beats to create feelings of dread and unease... you are in for a hell of a ride. Visit www.Hauntmusic.co.uk to find out more.

Midnight Syndicate are my go-to albums where I am looking for the perfect atmosphere for my haunt. They are a huge inspiration and they continue to set the benchmark for dark soundtracks - all of their work is exceptional - delivering dark atmosphere and haunting melodies. 'Carnival Arcane' and 'Monsters of Legend' are fantastic albums and have a huge amount of depth, I recommend both for any self respecting haunter!

-- Sam Haynes

Nocturnal Solitude

My name is Thomas Morbius and I handle programming, instrumentation, and production for my solo project, Nocturnal Solitude. I like to describe Nocturnal Solitude as Night Doom, music that is very dark, yet very mournful with dark sounds that mesmerize and hooks the immortal soul... a sort of Gothic Lullaby if you will. My new release, Crimson Redemption is my first new album in seven long years. It can be viewed and listened to at http://nocturnalsolitude.weebly.com.

I can honestly say I have been a fan for a total now of 15 years. The very first album I heard was "Born of The Night". I've been hooked since. Midnight Syndicate's music has helped me with my anxiety and stress issues a great deal and has made my goddaughter relax and calm down when she was a baby. I have always been attracted to the darker side of life because many choose to ignore it. Midnight Syndicate brings the darkness to a whole new light and I greatly thank them for that.

-- Thomas Morbius

The Massillon Ghost Hunting Society

The Massillon Ghost Hunting Society is committed to finding and collecting data that will lead to a better understanding of ghosts, hauntings and paranormal activities and why they happen, so that all may understand why ghosts have remained here after their mortal passing. They specialize in spirit profiling (historic research) to better understand individual cases.

A lot of our members have enjoyed the music of Midnight Syndicate for many years now. A few of my (the founder) favorite CD's are "Born of the Night", "Realm of Shadows", and "Vampyre". We will play their music in the background before a lecture or at a public meet and greet. When I am researching a case, their music is playing.

-- Brian Fain - Founder

Night of the Raven

Magician Micah Cover's Annual Night of the Raven is a yearly variety show of magic, music and mayhem honoring the life, work and mysterious death of Edgar Allan Poe held each year at the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood.

Guests of the Night of the Raven are greeted with the music of Midnight Syndicate as they enter the Palace of Mystery, arguably the most famous magic stage in the world, hidden within the invitation-only mecca of magic, the Magic Castle. I end the show with my straight jacket escape while reciting Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven - to the perfect accompaniment of Midnight Syndicate's music.

-- Micah Cover

Kristen Lindsey of Photographic Fascination

For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to cemeteries and the forgotten and often overlooked artistry in these outdoor sculpture gardens. To me, they are a photographic wonderland. I actually get excited when I see a cemetery! Black and white infrared photography has been my specialty for years. I find the surreal quality of infrared to be the perfect medium to express my endless imagination. My infrared cemetery photography can be viewed at http://www.photographicfascination.com.

I am so thrilled and honored to featured on the Midnight Syndicate website. I have enjoyed listening to Midnight Syndicate for many Halloween seasons (and other times of the year), and I have always said that they are the best! Lately I've been listening their music so frequently that I hear it in my head like a soundtrack as I'm walking down the street. I have to admit that I find it to be relaxing, but then again, I'm a person who loves cemeteries!

--Kristen Lindsey

Brice Bonner - Photographie

Brice Bonnery is a French photographer who loves to take pictures with a dark atmosphere. This photo was taken in an abandoned hospital near the city of Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda in France. For more of his work, visit his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/brice.bonnery.photo.

"I love the song 'Grisly Reminder' among many others. Midnight Syndicate creates a very dark atmosphere."
-- Brice Bonnery, France

The Mann Sisters

Powerful family harmonies blending together like only the voices of twin sisters can; combined with heartfelt original songs, is what you can expect to hear from The Mann Sisters. Their song Halloween Night is a fun, rocking tune, for all ages, that'll put you in a festive, Halloween mood, no matter the time of year!

Check out their work at http://www.themannsisters.com.

"We have been fans of Midnight Syndicate's music for as long as we can remember and absolutely love to listen all year round!"
-- Alexandra and Lauren Mann

Corey Schjoth Photography

Since I was a child, I always have had a fascination with the paranormal and horror movies. But after working for over twenty years as a newspaper photographer, I wanted to make pictures that where more personal to me.

I came across a book by UK photographer Simon Marsden I realized I could combine my love of photography and the paranormal. With my new found inspiration I began traveling and photographing as many historic haunted places as I could. My website Phantasmagoria Photography is where I allow my dark side to run free and showcase my work.

The music of Midnight Syndicate has always played an important part of my work from the very beginning. When I'm on the road traveling to a location I'm always listening to the moody dark music to help get me in to the proper mind set when I arrive.

After my trips I start the long painstaking and solitary process of editing my images and writing my stories. Once again the haunting music of Midnight Syndicate playing in the background helps with creating an image and story full of mood and atmosphere. I have yet to find any other type of music that has the quality and beauty that Midnight Syndicate produces
--Corey Schjoth

Jessica Krutell Photography

Graduating from the College of Creative Studies, with her Bachelors in Photography, Jessica Krutell found her inspiration in fears and abnormalities. She has worked at a local haunted house as an actor and manager for eight years; being within the haunt industry definitely encouraged the creepy side of her and provided her with ample opportunities to work with other characters and models. For this photograph, she wanted to capture herself interacting with her alter ego and haunt character, Mildred the Doll.

"I have always enjoyed the music of Midnight Syndicate because it helps me get in the right mind set for my photo shoots as well as acting during haunt season. My favorite song is 'Lullaby' from 'The Dead Matter: Cemetery Gates' album. I recently saw Midnight Syndicate perform live and the entire show experience really helped me fall in love with Halloween and the creepy aesthetic all over again."
--Jessica Krutell


Enter the magical world of King Pumpkin - Mark Zahn's spookily charming collection of verses set on Halloween night! Learn how the jack-'o-lantern got its name; watch a macabre dance of the living dead clatter about a graveyard; witness a hungry creature that lives beneath a child's bed; try your hand at ghoulish recipes from a witch's kitchen; and see why zombies don't write poetry! With verses for trick-or-treaters young and old - and enhanced by haunting black-and-white illustrations from renowned artist, Katie Aguado - this delightfully devilish volume is sure to become a Halloween classic!

"Midnight Syndicate and their iconic music are what helped me get in the Halloween spirit while writing this book which was especially helpful while writing in June."
--Mark Zahn

Nocturne Alchemy

Nocturne Alchemy is a perfume house in San Francisco consisting of five perfume experts from different fields in the business of aroma. Started in 2006 and having taken on the name NAVA (VA comes from the gothic side of perfume, VApothecary), they travel the world in search of perfume notes, components, resins, botanicals and herbs to create in their Studio in SF, perfume oils. They listen to music a lot for inspiration and no doubt many of their creations in the VApothecary section and Dan Brereton's Nocturnals were composed with the haunting, ethereal and atmospheric music of Midnight Syndicate. It was only a matter of time before they realized this would be a great collaboration. You can hear the music of Midnight Syndicate in the Dan Brereton's Nocturnals video as well as the current Limited Collection video on the home page (the Limited rotate with new perfumes every month).

Dan Brereton's Nocturnals with music by Midnight Syndicate:

Halloween Limited Collection with music by Midnight Syndicate:

Nocturne Alchemy on Facebook:

"The music of Midnight Syndicate inspires the mood when we're working on a particular perfume, for instance, Haunted House was inspired by 'The 13th Hour' as was Dan's perfumes based on his comic book characters - we listened to 'Monsters of Legend' and 'Carnival Arcane' a lot! The Immortals section was also created while listening to 'Vampyre' and 'Realm of Shadows'. The music feeds the urge to create 'shadows' in perfume by applying specific components to the scent in their compositions. We find Midnight Syndicate a brilliant 'go-to' when needing that inspiration that adds a touch of spooktacular, haunting, Halloween and a bit of monster to our perfumes. I strongly believe, like music, everything has a beginning, middle and end, and adding the element of Midnight Syndicate to the perfume creation, adds an element unseen, but heard if you listen with your eyes closed, inhale and find that world that Midnight Syndicate creates, it's there... hidden in the shadows (scented hidden shadows), waiting to be found."


The Unknown is hungry. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves and stranger creatures still feast on the fear, misery, and sometimes the flesh and blood of the unwary. When people see the Unknown, they might run in fear. They might ignore it, hoping never to feel its horrible touch again. But a few brave souls stand up and fight. In Chill, you play one of those few.

Chill is a horror roleplaying game, currently funding on Kickstarter. One of the stretch goals is a special mission written by longtime Midnight Syndicate collaborator Christopher Robichaud and a specially prepared soundtrack by Midnight Syndicate.

Backers can immediately download a quickstart to see the rules and artwork of Chill. Check it out, and see what lurks in the shadows. Information about the Kickstarter campaign can be found here.

Zombie Joe's Underground Theater Group
Urban Death

If you are a fan of Midnight Syndicate, and in the Los Angeles area, you have to check out this live horror show! Urban Death is an hour-long live theatre production of the Grand Guignol tradition that runs weekly at Zombie Joe's, a small indie theatre located in the NoHo Arts District. The show consists of a series of short, always wordless, nightmare vignettes that range from the horrific to the absurd, from inappropriately off-color and darkly humorous to the insanely creepy and inspiring. "Urban Death is like a Lovecraftian Elder God - Indescribable," says show Director, Jana Wimer.

"I was able to catch the show when I was in town for Monsterpalooza, and it was amazing! Check it out. You won't be disappointed!" - Edward Douglas, Midnight Syndicate

"As we become consumed inside the music of the unsurpassed, unrelenting Midnight Syndicate, we can't help but to transcend into a medieval Gothic fantasy world that it upbeat yet gloomy, subtly haunting yet jarringly scary. The tribal heartbeat of transcendental voices displace us into an alternate, ethereal world with each and every crafted tune we listen to, and relish within. Midnight Syndicate and their canon of work have graciously provided us horror artists an inspired pad from which we can launch." - Zombie Joe, Producer of Urban Death, Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre Group, Worldwide.

Screamline Studios

When they're not building the set for the upcoming Midnight Syndicate Live! show or working on haunts for Rob Zombie, Cleveland-based Screamline Studios designs and sells a great line of prosthetic masks, latex, and props for the haunted attraction and theater industries. Their signature (one of the innovations they brought to the haunt industry) is their lightweight, extremely realistic line of weapons (shown above). Be sure to stop by their website www.screamlinestudios.com to see more products. Type in the code midnightlive and receive 10% OFF any purchase!

"Midnight Syndicate, throughout the years have taken the normal sound of the Haunted Attraction and Movie Industry to a new level. Their sound artistic style has reach millions, Midnight Syndicate is amazing. They are definitely the must listen to for 2014 and beyond. Can't wait for the LIVE show!!"
-- Jason Blaszczak, Screamline Studios

Dick Terhune - Voice From Hell

If you've listened to Monsters of Legend you've already enjoyed the work of this week's Legions of the Night feature, voice over artist extraordinaire, Dick Terhune. In addition to writing and performing the Latin prayer on Requiem, his chameleon vocals appear on several other tracks including: Watchful Gathering and Unwanted Visitor. A gifted artist, we're glad to have Dick as part of the Midnight Syndicate production team. Got a haunt, dark attraction, or horror project? Here's more on his company, Voice From Hell.

VoiceFromHell.com came into existence in 2007 as the demonic offspring of my passions: A career in advertising, marketing and voiceover...and a lifelong love of haunting. The birth was equally fuelled by frustration. As a marketer and ad-creator, I was appalled at what passed for "haunt advertising" at that time—and sadly, to this day. My goal is, was, and always will be to provide the most effective traffic-building marketing strategies and advertising for big, medium and small haunts and scare attractions, wherever they may be.

"Besides being a fan, the music of Midnight Syndicate is a huge part of what I do. When I want to establish a mood or bring a haunt commercial to life (unlife?), I often turn to the Midnight Syndicate library and find juuuuust the dark soundtrack I need. Being asked to provide "background vocals" for Monsters of Legend was a dream come true."
-- Dick Terhune

The Big Scary Show

The Big Scary Show covers everything in the haunt, horror and Halloween industry from the smallest home haunts to the largest conventions and tradeshows. Our "Roundtable of Terror" pits our four (g)hosts against a wide variety of guests as we pick a topic relevant to the industry and discuss in detail. We also include the latest news, great music, the Haunt Minute, Facing your Fears, and much, much more, all for FREE.

"The Big Scary Show has had both Ed and Gavin on our show multiple times to talk about many topics. You can go back through our archives to catch their previous appearances. In addition, Midnight Syndicate's music is featured prominently on our show, whether as background music for segments or commercials, or even featured as musical selections. We are proud to have them as an unofficial sponsor of the show."
-- Drew Badger

Alternative Weddings

As the owner and officiant for Alternative Weddings, Kimberly Burke has been showing up in her hearse and performing Gothic & Themed weddings since 2005. Now Alternative Weddings & Just Hearse N' Around are teaming up to hold a FREE wedding in Hell, Michigan during this year's Hells Hearsefest. This includes the use of the Wedding Chapel in Hell and a ceremony especially written for this contest by Alternative Weddings using Midnight Syndicate's music. There will also be a gift from Deadly Grounds Coffee to the winning couple. The wedding is the 3rd Saturday of September, the contest ends August 1st. The ceremony does not have to be legal, it can do renewal of vows or same sex. Everything is possible. To enter, simply send an essay on "Why I want to get married in Hell" to kim@alternativeweddings.org. For more information on Alternative Weddings, visit: www.alternativeweddings.org.

"I use Midnight Syndicate music during most of my weddings. It is great for use as background music before and after the wedding as well as for walking down the aisle. I have also been using Midnight Syndicate music in hearse displays for many years."
-- Kimberly Burke

Starlighting Projects

Starlighting Projects designs and builds miniature special effects for scale model builders and action figure collectors. The company's 'props' use light and sound to recreate the look and feel of classic horror cinema. Their easy to use products allow builders and collectors alike to create dramatic displays which include light and sound effects. Many items the company produces are 'one of a kind'. Check out the Starlighting Projects intro video (featuring Midnight Syndicate's It Lives!) here. For show and new product info visit them on Facebook. For Product and "how-to" videos, visit their Youtube Channel.

"I love listening to horror soundtracks when I'm building products 'down in the lab'. Midnight Syndicate's music on Monsters of Legend and Carnival Arcane creates the perfect vibe for making monstrous mayhem with special effects."
--Matthew Lawrence

Mark Rakocy

"A really cool, ghostly music video directed by long-time Midnight Syndicate collaborator, Mark Rakocy. Mark and I have been collaborating on projects for over twenty years now. In addition to being one of the co-founders of Entity Productions and filming the original 'The Dead Matter' with me, he has done graphic design off and on for Midnight Syndicate since the self-titled debut (he even wrote and produced a track on the first album called "Zoe 5"). The familiar silhouette image you see at the top of Midnight Syndicate's website and just about everywhere else is just one of the many iconic pieces he's produced for us. He was integral in producing the first Midnight Syndicate live concerts back in '98, a co-producer and visual effects artist on The Dead Matter, and, of course, is a part of the upcoming Midnight Syndicate Live! Legacy of Shadows show. I think this music video he directed featuring two up and coming artists from the Los Angeles area that go by the name Anodica might appeal to many of you. Enjoy!"
-- Edward Douglas

Designing the Fear

Although Designing The Fear began as a news source for Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights, it has since expanded to cover all types of professional and home haunts as well as major theme park Halloween events. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter (https://twitter.com/DesigningFear) for daily news and images from haunts across the country.

"Midnight Syndicate music helps me relax and clear my head after a LONG day at work - as here, haunt season is 24/7 365 days a year."
-- Designing the Fear


Weaving together elements of southern Gothic, science fiction, fantasy, horror, the supernatural, and much more, this diverse collection of short stories brings you an array of characters who must face accountability, responsibility, and, more ominously, retribution. To find out more about Irredeemable, click here.

"The 13th Hour and Carnival Arcane provides endless inspiration when I write horror. Midnight Syndicate is a fantastic panacea to writer's block."
-- Jason Sizemore

Dark Clown

Dr. Clark Down is a psychiatrist who treats many forms of phobias, especially coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. After a harrowing encounter with a patient, Dr. Down becomes aware of an ancient tome titled Dead Clowns. As Dark Clown emerges and Dr. Down diminishes, the book is lost to him. Dr. Down continues his search for the book while still treating his patients even though his mind drifts deeper and deeper into madness.

"I discovered Midnight Syndicate one year while at Dragon Con. I've been keeping up with their music ever since. No matter if I'm writing or drawing my issues, I always have a Midnight Syndicate CD playing. Their music not only gets my creative juices flowing, but it also gives me motivation to pull those all-nighters."
-- Alex Sanchez

Castle Blood

For 22 years, Castle Blood has given people in the Pittsburgh area a taste of classic Halloween fun and scares all cleverly wrapped up in an adventure game scenario that gets the public more deeply involved in the theatrical experience. Castle Blood is currently running a kickstarter campaign to help fund their move into a 100 year old funeral parlour, which they have purchased and are trying to restore. You can find out more here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/1504714302/castle-bloods-new-forever-home-classic-american-ha.

"The Castle has been involved with Midnight Syndicate from the start, almost growing up in the industry together. The classic melodies they provide have always been the perfect tone to set in our attraction, and on our TV show 'Midnight Monster Hop,' as well. for most of our cast over the years, this music starts playing in our heads as soon as we think about Halloween." - Gravely MacCabre, Castle Blood

"Gravely and Castle Blood were among the first haunts to support Midnight Syndicate. Their designs and approach to haunting are the perfect compliment to our music. If anyone can take this century-old funeral parlour and turn it into something special, it's the Castle Blood team. They have our full support!"
--Edward Douglas, Midnight Syndicate


Room No. 07 artwork and music is designed and composed by Mystary. Open the doorway to a new realm of forgotten memories and classical horror ambience as you venture through Room Number 07, a dark soundtrack that will leave you trapped in a twisted paradise for eternity. Behind this odd door is a young musician, composer, artist, and producer by the name of Mystary.

Mystary has developed a unique style of mastering music production and the art of music composing and sound design in all genres of music. His passion for gothic horror music came from living in the dark for many years watching classic horror films. He began to compose and score great horror film music and produce dark instrumentals to go with his love of the horror genre.

To purchase and download Mystary's dark ambient horror music, visit www.reverbnation.com/mystary.


Mortanius is a gothic progressive metal band from Pennsylvania US. They draw from a number of influences, with horror movie soundtracks being one of the biggest. They blend elements of horror movie soundtracks with progressive metal. Expect moody organs, bells, strings, and piano mixed with the complex song structure and changing time signatures of progressive metal, all the while keeping a focus on catchy choruses. They are in the process of recording more songs, and expect them to be out very soon.

To listen to their work, click here.

"I have been fan of Midnight Syndicate for five years. When writing songs, Midnight Syndicate has been one of my main influences." - Lucas Flocco

Jeremy Hicks

In order to fulfill a promise to his master, Kaladimus Dor, disastrous mage of Myth, must do whatever it takes to get the secretive contents of the chest in his possession back home. After shipwrecking himself on a long-forgotten island, Dor must cooperate with a motley crew of survivors to secure their only means of escape from the island before they are consumed by its ravenous inhabitants, both living and undead.

The CYCLE OF AGES SAGA: FINDERS KEEPERS is a hard-hitting entry into the fantasy-horror genre. Although a standalone story in its own right, this story introduces an epic, evolving storyline slated to run several chapters in its entirety. Co-creators Jeremy Hicks and Barry Hayes are the owners of BROKE GUYS PRODUCTIONS, a small startup company in Alabama that they use to develop, promote, and sell their multimedia properties, including the screenplay version of COAS: FINDERS KEEPERS.

"Epic and sweeping are but two of the words author and fan Jeremy Hicks would use to describe to use the music of MIDNIGHT SYNDICATE. They are one of his preferred bands for setting the proper atmosphere to write his darkly fantastic tales."

Zombie Joe's Underground Theater Group
Urban Death

If you are a fan of Midnight Syndicate, and in the Los Angeles area, you have to check out this live horror show! Urban Death is an hour-long live theatre production of the Grand Guignol tradition that runs weekly at Zombie Joe's, a small indie theatre located in the NoHo Arts District. The show consists of a series of short, always wordless, nightmare vignettes that range from the horrific to the absurd, from inappropriately off-color and darkly humorous to the insanely creepy and inspiring. "Urban Death is like a Lovecraftian Elder God - Indescribable," says show Director, Jana Wimer.

"I was able to catch the show when I was in town for Monsterpalooza, and it was amazing! Check it out. You won't be disappointed!" - Edward Douglas, Midnight Syndicate

"As we become consumed inside the music of the unsurpassed, unrelenting Midnight Syndicate, we can't help but to transcend into a medieval Gothic fantasy world that it upbeat yet gloomy, subtly haunting yet jarringly scary. The tribal heartbeat of transcendental voices displace us into an alternate, ethereal world with each and every crafted tune we listen to, and relish within. Midnight Syndicate and their canon of work have graciously provided us horror artists an inspired pad from which we can launch." - Zombie Joe, Producer of Urban Death, Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre Group, Worldwide.

Zombie Skin

Zombie Skin is an AMMONIA FREE latex. Zombie Skin has the consistency of whipped cream, but has the ability to be used to fill in prosthetic edges and smooth them for blending. Alone Zombie Skin can be used for making cuts, wounds, blisters, and claw marks.

"I am huge fan of Midnight Syndicate, and often listen to their CDs while working in the shop to help inspire me when I am sculpting out a new character. I currently have 2 CDs in my car that I listened to on the way to Transworld 2014, which inspired me to sculpt 4 new prosthetics." - Joe Glenn


The idea behind Vault of Oblivion was to provide intense sounds, making deep emotional impressions from the realm of fantasy, and offer a valuable tool for the tabletop adventures of role-playing gamers. The composers, Konstantine Haak and Jan Kazantzis, are both passionate pen and paper role-playing gamers and have extensively used Midnight Syndicate's Dungeons & Dragons - Official Roleplaying Soundtrack in their sessions. Inspired by the atmosphere of Midnight Syndicate's album, as well as its purpose and usability, they decided to create their own soundtrack as a contribution to the RPG community.

The X-Score team is based in Germany and Vault of Oblivion is their first commercial release. The CD is available on April 4th from Amazon.com.

Super 7
Original Alien action figures

"Check this out! Original 1979 'Alien' movie action figures! Apparently, these were developed back in the day but never produced. The team at Super 7 (our neighbors at Fear FestEvil) acquired the prototypes and have now released them. Ripley comes with a flamethrower, Ash a motion detector, vintage blister card packaging. Pretty cool! The figures are available at: www.super7store.com." - Edward Douglas


Boo-Tiki is Jeff Wehenkel's new endeavor to bring together two of the things he really enjoys, Monsters and Drinking. He started sculpting mugs 6 months ago when he was feeling burnt out from sculpting Halloween masks and bust commissions and needed a new outlet. He never thought it would dominate his life so completely. The Tiki mugs may be purchased from bootiki.bigcartel.com. His mask work can be seen at ghastlycreations.weebly.com.

"I've been a fan of Midnight Syndicate for several years, after being introduced to their music at the Halloween tradeshow where we were both displaying our product. I started using their music in my home Halloween displays, and still to this day I listen while I sculpt. The melodies really get my mind going and it inspires me. Thanks Midnight Syndicate for all the years of great music and inspiration, you guys are truly the Music Of Halloween!" - Jeff Wehenkel

Morbid Doll Maker

Morbid Doll Maker is an Orchestral Ambient Horror music composer from Mexico who has recently released his new album, Victorian Ghosts. The new album is dedicated to the classic and often tragic tales of ghosts from the Victorian era. You can listen to the album on Morbid Doll Maker's SoundCloud page and follow him on Facebook.

"Midnight Syndicate has been the biggest inspiration to create my new album!" - Morbid Doll Maker

Dr. Shocker's Vault of Horror DVD

Perfect for the monster fan in your dungeon, Dr. Shocker (Daniel Roebuck) and his lab assistant Igor (Chuck Williams) have cooked up over two hours of Monster Kid entertainment, including their fantastic all-new new shock-u-mentary video MONSTERMANIACS™ narrated by Jorge Garcia and featuring Guillermo del Toro, Rob Zombie with a cryptfull of creature feature collecters, experts and fans and music by critically-acclaimed Midnight Syndicate!

Whether you were an avid subscriber to Forry Ackerman's Famous Monsters of Filmland, a frequent shopper of the Captain Company ads, a ravenous consumer of Imagineering Evil Teeth and Vampire Blood, or a casual collector of monster masks, toys and posters, DR. SHOCKER'S VAULT OF HORROR DVD is a tinsel-time treat you don't want to miss! Order your copy today and buy one for your best fiend by using the Amazon or PayPal links!

Check it out at www.docshocker.com!

Shadow's Symphony

Shadow's Symphony's new album is now available in both CD and digital formats. Beneath the Dark tells the tale of a haunted lighthouse that is cursed with a Ghost ship which is doomed to sail for eternity. Because there are two distinctive locations, (the lighthouse and the phantom ship), they wrote two different styles of music, blending them together to make a very unique soundtrack.

Shadow's Symphony creates instrumental ambient gothic/horror music, perfectly blending deep melancholy tones with haunting melodies in order to take the listener to a darker place within their imagination. The new CD is available on iTunes, Amazon, eBay, etc... You can check them out on FB for the latest updates, and free music links - https://www.facebook.com/shadowssymphony.

"Midnight Syndicate has been an inspiration for Shadow’s Symphony since we went to our first Haunted Attraction as kids and heard their music being played. It was then that we knew THAT was a genre of music we'd love to create. The music became such an important influence that we even used 'Vampyre' as the soundscape in our nursery for both our daughters. Six years later, they still choose that CD to fall asleep to throughout the Halloween season." - Grant Smoker

Damien Echols

Life After Death is a New York Times bestselling memoir by Damien Echols of the West Memphis Three. He was falsely convicted of three murders and spent nearly eighteen years on Death Row. Life After Death is a riveting collection of his memoirs and story. "Both a powerful and moving experience. Damien's natural talent as a writer shows through in this latest work and the result is a book that is both at times deeply troubling as well as uplifting." - Edward Douglas

"If you distilled the raw essence of every spooky story you ever heard, you would have Midnight Syndicate." - Damien Echols

James Brumbaugh

Fantasy author James Brumbaugh's resume includes work for Dungeons & Dragons. His latest novel, War Party, is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

A terrorist plot is underway on American soil. There are clues but the FBI remains several steps behind the sleeper cell. A determined journalist has clues too but can’t zero in on what or where the terrorists will strike. The only one who knows what is about to happen is a Native American high school boy who saw it in a vision. Who believes him? Can he lead a modern-day war party of friends to stop the massacre he has seen?

"If you want some rousing background music that will inspire you, try Midnight Syndicate's 'Dungeons and Dragons' CD. It has something for every mood from light and bouncy to thunderous and serious. It's great for getting the creative juices going." - James Brumbaugh


For those of you interested in getting into the haunted attraction industry or those of you just interested in seeing what goes into putting together a haunted house, the new documentary, Screamer, is a must see. A few years ago, Midnight Syndicate collaborator David "House" Greathouse gave us a great behind the scenes look at haunted house acting with his documentary Legion of Terror. In this new documentary, director William McHugh gives us a very real (sometimes brutal) look into the world of haunted house design, building, and management.

Following a couple of haunted house builders in Indiana for five years the documentary set out to disprove the idea that the haunted house business is "fun and easy." While documenting their struggle to make a successful haunted house business, the film's two subjects, Matt Kemp and Phil Granger sometimes produce some humorous if unsuccessful results. The film moves around to some of the more successful haunted attractions around the country while maintaining the main story thread that ends with a shocking twist.

The DVD is currently available on EBAY as well as on the film's website, www.screamermovie.com where it is also available as a streaming rental.

In addition to the music of Midnight Syndicate that is heard throughout several of the haunted houses showcased, the documentary also features a brief interview with Edward Douglas from 2006.

Hillary Raffin

In Hillary Raffin's new book, The Eldupyr Chronicles: The Apprentice, Mortechai Draconia had no idea the power that flowed in his veins. He had been born into a tribe of dragon hunters and was destined to become a warrior, like the rest of his brothers. But everything changed when his uncle, a necromancer named Sarek, offered to take the boy as his apprentice. From his dangerous training in sorcery, to a deadly Uathgaren clan, Mortechai finds himself precariously balancing between the path of a hero and that of a destroyer.

"I was given my first Midnight Syndicate CD when I began playing Dungeons & Dragons and it had me hooked from the start. Their wonderful compositions help drew me into a world where my imagination could run wild. When I began writing, I first had tried having my music set on random, yet it wasn't until a Midnight Syndicate song began to play that the words truly flowed onto the page. Their CDs 'Born of the Night' and 'Vampyre' were truly inspiring for my first book 'The Eldupyr Chronicles: The Apprentice'. Thank you for the wonderful music, and it was truly a pleasure to have met Edward in person at CONvergence back in 2012. Midnight Syndicate will forever be at the forefront of my music collection for both writing and gaming." - Hillary Raffin

Alan David Stromer

Delve into the mind of horror author Alan David Stromer if you dare to join his likeable but troubled characters on a backwoods supernatural journey in his breakout novel A Deal with Evil.

In A Deal with Evil (a tale of supernatural suspense), Jess has a little hard-earned farmland as well as caring friends in this backwoods but close-knit community.  He also had a little bit of a gambling problem and a deepening spiral into alcoholism since his wife's passing. What are Jess and his neighbors going to do about haunting experiences that are clearly beyond their control? What are the mysterious forces that are encroaching on him, and who is the stranger who materializes out of uncanny darkness at his door? Will Jessie place his bet on an easy out, and will he and the others survive to regret the ill-advised choices they've made? The reader is drawn into the suspense right along with Stromer's compelling characters, as homespun and organic as the land they're trying to hold onto. But there's nothing at all natural about the visitor who comes disguised as offering a lucky fate.

"I love to write fiction, especially horror. Turning on a haunting soundtrack from Midnight Syndicate helps me sink into the deep dark where the words boil and roil onto my pages. Midnight Syndicate's music always shakes away the cobwebs of this world and opens up my mind to other dimensions." - Alan David Stromer

S.D. Stuart

S.D. Stuart (aka Steve DeWinter) is a Science Fiction Adventure author whose latest books, The Wizard of OZ: A Steampunk Adventure and The Scarecrow of OZ: A Steampunk Adventure, take a beloved classical story and re-imagine it in a Steampunk setting with airships, half-human/half-animal hybrids, and robots. Lots and lots of robots. The sequel goes even further into uncharted territory to tell a brand new story in the world created in the first book.

In The Wizard of OZ: A Steampunk Adventure, there is no yellow brick road, no Emerald City, no Lollipop Guild. This is the Australis Penal Colony, a continent sized prison referred to the world over as the Outcast Zone. Built to contain the world's most dangerous criminals, OZ ended up the dumping ground for everything polite society deemed undesirable. From inside this place a garbled message proves Dorothy's father is still alive, trapped in a prison with only one way in and no way out. Into this place 17-year-old Dorothy must go if she wants to find her father and keep the promise she made to her dying mother. The Wizard of OZ: A Steampunk Adventure is an exciting epic adventure that re-imagines a place where no one should be forced to live.

The action-packed sequel The Scarecrow of OZ: A Steampunk Adventure returns to the Australias Penal Colony, where an ancient and devastating weapon was hidden a millennium ago. Imprisoned by the Southern Marshal, a half-human/half-lion hybrid lives behind an electrified fence with others like him. His only chance at freedom is to locate and recover this ancient weapon before a mysterious shadow organization uses it to conquer the world. Joined by old allies, he races across the continent sized prison, making new friends and new enemies alike, to find the hybrid weapon before the humans do. His journey will not be easy as he encounters a new OZ more dangerous than the one he left behind.

"My writing style is very cinematic, so listening to soundtrack music helps me create the images in my head that the reader views on the page. I first discovered the music of Midnight Syndicate while browsing my local Halloween store back in 1998. As well as being the standard music for my annual haunted house, Midnight Syndicate is also the default go-to music on my iPod while I walk around the neighborhood plotting out suspenseful scenes for my novels." - S.D. Stuart


For our RPG and classic horror fans: there's a new game being developed where YOU play the monster that we thought you might be interested in. Accursed takes place in a world where witches of the Grand Coven have triumphed. Burning Witchmarks into the flesh and souls of mortal men and women, they've transformed their prey into monstrous forms. Now, unable to return to their former lives, monsters wander the land, attempting to atone for past sins. To find out more visit the game's Kickstarter campaign.

"Midnight Syndicate's 'Monster's of Legend' CD has been the perfect inspiration for setting the tone of both the monstrous characters and the horrors they battle as we continue to develop the 'Accursed' game setting." - John Dunn

When Hinges Creak

When Hinges Creak make neat detail pieces for haunted houses. Everything from light-up vacuum tubes, gauges, morgue drawer handles, hinges, elevator parts, pipe flanges, locks and many, many, MANY other items!

We dig Midnight Syndicate! In our lives, we live in Halloween town and in Halloween town Midnight Syndicate is like Mozart, Jimi Hendrix and Tom Waits blended together! Nothing keep us more in the mood to stay sinister!. - Alex Lohmann, When Hinges Creak

Cullen Bunn

The Sixth Gun is a an epic fantasy set in the Old West. During the darkest days of the Civil War, six evil guns... each with its own terrible power... appeared. After the war, the guns vanished. Now, the sixth, and arguably the most powerful, of the guns has been found... in the hands of an innocent girl. As the forces of darkness converge on her, the girl realizes these cursed pistols are more powerful than she could have possibly imagined... and she is destined to become one of the deadliest guns in the west.

Cullen Bunn writes The Sixth Gun, The Damned, The Tooth, and Helheim for Oni Press. He also writes Venom, Fearless Defenders and Deadpool Kills Deadpool for Marvel Comics. In addition, his middle reader horror novel, Crooked Hills, is available from Evil Eye Books. You can visit his webpage at www.cullenbunn.com or follow him on twitter @cullenbunn.

I first discovered Midnight Syndicate years ago at one of the first Horrorfind Weekend conventions. I nabbed several of their CDs, and 'Born of the Night' and 'Realm of Shadows' quickly became (and still are) some of my favorites. I was playing role-playing games once a week back then, and those CDs (and later releases) became core pieces of my Call of Cthulhu and Vampire: the Masquerade soundtracks. These days, I don't game as much (although I'm trying to get a group together) but I still listen to Midnight Syndicate ('Carnival Arcane' is in heavy rotation right now). I use their music for ambiance while I'm writing... especially while I write about creepy crawly woolyboogers. - Cullen Bunn

Jerry Vayne

The "Haunt Rocker" Jerry Vayne returns to infect your senses again with VIRUS 308! The BRAND NEW 14 song audio infestation of the Zombie Apocalypse is available as a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD for $8.99. It also includes the "Virus 308" story, written by Sean Patrick Thompson, and based on a short story by Jerry Vayne.

50% of the sales of Virus 308 go to the Brian David Wolfe "Fight For Life" Gofundme cancer fund! Available NOW at www.jerryvayne.com.

Jerry Vayne has been creating "Haunt_Strumetal" soundscapes for the Haunted Attraction Industry since 2008.  He has released 4 CDs, a "Haunt Inspired" collection, and his song Shadows (Haunt Rocker Remix) was included on Midnight Syndicate's The Dead Matter Official Motion Picture Soundtrack CD.

Gerardo Moreno

We love this Bride of Frankenstein poster illustrated by Spain's Gerardo Moreno. Influenced by artists like Renato Casaro and Drew Struzan, illustrator Gerardo Moreno has been illustrating posters, CD artwork, and DVD packaging for over 10 years. Check out more at: www.facebook.com/gerardo.moreno.108.

"Midnight Syndicate's music contains all the ingredients on the fantastic genre, Halloween, classic horror... A mixture sound with full harmony that keeps to the spectator attentive from beginning to end. I think that ... "Midnight Syndicate" are the OMD -| Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | of the Gothic music." - Gerardo Moreno

Paranormal Sarah - A&E's American Haunting

A&E's American Haunting takes a unique look inside the terrifying lives of families encountering paranormal phenomena within their own homes, witnessing first-hand the frightening incidents they experience daily. Surveillance cameras set up throughout the houses capture every moment of the eerie activity that transpires and document the damaging toll it takes on the families' lives. As they attempt to regain control of their homes, the families call on psychics, demonologists, paranormal investigators and exorcists to help them fight back against the malevolent spirits. The three hour premiere shows tonight (July 27th) at 9pm EST on A&E with Paranormal Sarah featured in the finale starting at 10pm EST.

"I do a lot of paranormal, horror and creepy writing both fictional and non-fiction. I am always looking for something that is haunting, beautiful, inspiring and something musical to send me down that tunnel into a spooky story. Midnight Syndicate has always been my go-to soundtrack for all my writings and I cannot thank their music enough for the journey it takes me and the readers on!" - Paranormal Sarah

Halloween Hot Sauce

Check out this great product line! HalloweenHotSauce.com's Undertaker creates robust, flavorful, high-quality Halloween-themed hot sauces and seals them inside handmade cedar coffins! Each bottle is topped with a scrap of "burial cloth" and secured with a toe-tag. Each coffin is stuffed with "mausoleum moss" and contains a few novelty maggots tossed in for the ride. See what we've dug up at http://www.halloweenhotsauce.com!

"The music of Midnight Syndicate has been the inspirational soundtrack for Halloween Hot Sauce (formerly Haunted Hot Sauce) since since 2005! I listen to Midnight Syndicate almost daily, all year long as I build the coffins for my hot sauces! I am eagerly anticipating their newest release, 'Monsters of Legend'! I am sure it will be my inspirational soundtrack for Halloween 2013 and beyond!" - Victor Ives

Aaron Duran

La Brujeria is a dark supernatural series that mashes Mexican and Latin American folklore with European fairy tales within a bizarre pawn shop in Portland, OR. The series focuses on Althalia Cabrera, a gifted young woman who gets a job at the Golden Bought Pawn Shop, a profitable front for Fairy Tale Maintenance. With Werewolves, Elementals, and a diminutive Chupacabra as co-workers; Althalia learns the Golden Bought Pawn Shop is anything but typical. With old powers and even older adversaries waking up on and under the streets of Portland, nothing will ever be the same.

"Music drives much of my creative force when I create comics and La Brujeria is no different. Without a doubt, the tone and themes found within the work by Midnight Syndicate helps fuel the strange and darkly whimsical world of La Brujeria." - Aaron Duran

Royce Prouty

Some great classic horror-inspired reading to go along with the upcoming CD! Author Royce Prouty has written a sequel to the Bram Stoker classic entitled Stoker's Manuscript. When handwriting expert and antiquities book dealer Joseph Barkeley accepts a commission to authenticate Bram Stoker's Dracula manuscript, he travels back to his Transylvania homeland to conclude business when he unwittingly finds himself captive at Dracula's Castle, a guest of the same family made famous by the 1890s novel. To earn his freedom, Barkeley must decipher cryptic messages hidden in the text of the original manuscript and notes that reveal the burial sites of certain Dracula family members. Barkeley's only hope of survival is to ensure that he does not exhaust his usefulness to his captor before he's able to escape. When he unearths shocking secrets about his own lineage, Barkeley realizes that his selection for the task was no coincidence. And in this revelation may lie Barkeley's salvation—or his doom. For now he must choose between a coward's flight or join in a mortal conflict against an ancient foe.

"While music plays a huge role in my life, it is a vital part of setting the atmosphere in my writing room. It was in the sober hours after midnight when I closed the door, huddled with the dogs, turned the air frigid and filled it with music, that the ideas and images came to me, as if sent. For several passages, noteably the cemetery scenes set in Transylvania, the music of Midnight Syndicate was playing, including 'Vampyre', 'Out Of The Darkness', and 'The Dead Matter: Cemetery Gates'." - Royce Prouty

Tom Krohne

Tom Krohne is a lifelong monster lover and artist with a taste for pop culture creatures and bad guys. He reinterprets existing characters in his Saturday morning style with just the right taste of cartoon humor mixed with the evil. Visit Tom's shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheArtofEvil.

"Music plays a big part in my creative process and some good quality mood music ala Midnight Syndicate is just the thing to push me through those creative blocks." - Tom Krohne

Charles Cassady, Jr.

Paranormal Mississippi River is a book so frightening that stats show 50% customer returns. It must be THAT frightening! Ghosts and haunted plantations, river monsters, hoodoo and Voodoo (which are not the same), werewolves, vampires, cattle mutilators, Cajun sorcery, giant birds, and Bigfoot are described and evaluated in river cities such as Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Vicksburg, Natchez, Memphis, Cape Girardeau, St. Louis, Alton, Davenport, Dubuque and Minneapolis-St. Paul. And Chester, Illinois, despite rumors that the small river town was completely destroyed by space aliens in 1977 and instantly replaced with an exact duplicate. You will not find this information in other guidebooks...

"I work (and write) nights, at a savage, barbaric arena filled with dangerous hairy beasts...well, would you believe, a racetrack with horsies? Listening to Midnight Syndicate CDs on those commutes put me a proper mood for the strange, mysterious and the marvelous." - Charles Cassady, Jr.

Verse 13

Eerie music box melodies, screeching violins, pounding percussion, and intense crescendos are all musical elements that Verse 13 blends into a diverse array of horror music. With the latest album release, Memories from the Grave, Verse 13 offers a horrifying look into a haunted past long forgotten and buried secrets that should never have been unearthed. With a variety of horror compositions and unpredictable twists and turns, Memories from the Grave is sure to turn your nightmares into a reality! Visit the official site for more information.

"There have been many composers that came long before Midnight Syndicate who have written horror music, however, Midnight Syndicate pioneered the Halloween music template, and built a foundation for haunt musicians to settle on. Who knows where Verse 13 would be if it wasn't for that foundation that Midnight Syndicate laid down more than a decade ago!" - Mike Fox, Verse 13

Grave Tone Productions

Grave Tone Productions has just released a new EP called Dead By Midnight. Their Halloween-Horror music is a unique-sounding blend of movie scores with heavy, aggressive, experimental music. Check it out and see why critics are calling it "unnerving, a work to make you uneasy, and extremely creepy." Available on iTunes.

"Midnight Syndicate played an important role in the creation of Grave Tone Productions. Having been a musician and a huge fan of horror my entire life, it was when I first heard 'Family Secrets' and 'Haunted Nursery' that I decided I wanted to produce HORROR music. They have paved the way for stand-alone haunt/horror music!" - Brian Davis (Grave Tone Productions)

Jason Glenn

The image above is Kotten the Clown, a creation by Jason Glenn, It started off with a sketch that was then brought into Adobe Illustrator CS5. Basic shapes were added to the sketch. From there, he used Photoshop to color and add more features to the character.

Jason is a college student in Columbus, OH and is a single father. He's pursuing a degree in special effects and trying to make a name for himself in the haunt industry. To see more of his artwork, click here.

"Midnight Syndicate motivates me to come up with new clowns, sparks ideas for me. When I listen to this music and hear the songs/sounds, I imagine a clown chasing someone, and what that clown might look like." - Jason Glenn

Jon Autopsy

INDUSTRIAL TERROR MUSIC - Three words that define Jon Autopsy. His haunting mix of ambient and industrial music has been the terrifying soundtrack to such major haunted attractions such as Knott's Scary Farm Halloween Haunt in Orange County California, as well as Halloween events at two of the most haunted locations on the planet: The RMS Queen Mary in Long Beach and the world famous Winchester Mystery House in San Jose. Jon is currently producing his 2nd full-length album, scheduled to drop late Summer 2013.

"All I ever wanted to do was make music specifically for haunted attractions and Halloween events. I have always loved Halloween and have been involved in the haunted attraction industry since 2000 and a name that always seemed to pop up was Midnight Syndicate. The fact that they were a known name in the darker, more gothic style soundtracks in the industry at the time, I felt I could do the same exact thing but in a style I was more musically dedicated to: Industrial." - Jon Autopsy

Ansley Grams

Ansley Grams is "A loyal Midnight Syndicate fan inspired by their dark dreams to illustrate her own." To see more of her work on Deviant Art, click here.

"Did this photoshoot, listening to Midnight Syndicate of course! I was very inspired by 'Grisly Reminder'." - Ansley Grams

Dwarven Forge

Dwarven Forge, makers of the world’s finest miniature terrain, has been around for 17 years making beautiful hand-painted modular 3D terrain. This past week, they launched a Kickstarter project called "Game Tiles". Their mission is to create fully-customizable terrain at a lower, more affordable cost while maintaining the quality and improving durability. They have a great video (with music provided by Midnight Syndicate), some terrific photos and lots of information at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dwarvenforge/dwarven-forges-game-tiles-revolutionary-miniature.

"I love to create really immersive D&D sessions. One of the keys to doing that is using the music of Midnight Syndicate. It greatly enhances the mood I am trying to set!" - Stefan Pokorny

"I am a huge fan of Dwarven Forge's terrains and their brilliant interactive live-action game, True Dungeon. One of my all-time favorite companies in gaming!" - Edward Douglas

Lilina Celeste

Lilina Celeste is a writer (gothic/dark romance/erotic/epic fantasy), digital artist, actress, and model from Peru. This image ("In the Ruins") is one of a series. For more, visit her Lilina Celeste page on Deviant Art.

Luna Moon

Luna Moon's Vintage Treasure's creates handcrafted, one-of-a-kind, affordable jewelry pieces for Haunted House & Horror Fans. Her jewelry pieces are heavily influenced by Disney's Haunted Mansion AND the music of Midnight Syndicate. She also sells Vintage & Rockabilly clothing in her store.

"I listen to Midnight Syndicate music while I design & craft my jewelry. I love the atmosphere it creates and there is an album for each mood or theme I may be feeling. 'The 13th Hour' is a favorite!!" - Luna Moon

John Lovell

John Lovell started out with a strong interest in special effects makeup. He gained a reputation in his small town as the guy to see when you need your makeup done for Halloween. When more and more people started to show up out of the blue, he needed a solution. Instead of turning everyone away, he made several premade mask designs. He prides himself on trying to make unique creations!

Obviously, like all artists, he draws from films and ideas that he have been influenced by. He strives to take these influences and reassemble them on a new and unique way. If something has been done and done well, he tries not to waste his time recreating the wheel. Thus far there is a certain cartoon like aspect to his work making light of what could be seen as a terrifying image. To him they are all just happy monsters.

"Midnight Syndicate is awesome and unique mood music for my store front!! Keep up the good work!!" - John Lovell

Shadow's Symphony

"As Shadow's Symphony I write music that I feel can be used for many different aspects of the horror genre. For example, I love Haunted Attractions, so I write with that application in mind. I'm a big fan of horror movies across the board, but have always thought it would be neat to have music for the older silent films, so I write with that in mind as well. My website is currently being built but in the meantime you can visit me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/shadowssymphony." - Grant Smoker, Composer. You can catch Grant at his TransWorld Haunt Show debut this year (Booth #311).

"The first time I heard Midnight Syndicate was at a Haunted Attraction 10+ years ago. I was blown away at how the music just fit perfectly. At that point I knew I wanted to write that style of music. A side note, I used the 'Vampyre' album for both of my daughters in their nursery as their 'lullaby' music." - Grant Smoker, Shadow's Symphony

Eve Lestrange

Solitary Fire continues to follow Christina Lafage along the left handed path to Vienna where wealthy nobleman, Paul Mrzak, promises her and Madame Duchamp unimaginable riches and a string of affluent clients at his castle in Hungary. Paul's castle offers much intrigue and deception that feeds Christina's own suspicions about Paul's true motive behind his generous invitation. Christina's power continues to blossom and fascinate the nobles of Paul's court, who flock to her for all manners of occult services. But it is Paul's own request and the promise of a substantial fortune that lead Christina deeper into the black arts where strange visions and feelings of destiny haunt her dreams. Meanwhile, Paul's plan begins to unravel, bringing sinister secrets to light, however it is not only Paul harboring secrets as Christina confronts her master, Lucien, about her intensifying visions. Can the intimacy that she and Lucien have come to share prepare Christina for the whole shocking truth?

"I love to listen to music when I write and Midnight Syndicate's music creates the perfect soundtrack to the dark ideas that ripen into horror tales." - Eve Lestrange

The Graveyard Stompers

The Graveyard Stompers are a unique 8-piece ensemble that blends rock n’ roll, swing, and a touch of blues and funk to create their own unique brand of spooky rock! With electrifying guitar riffs and a screaming horn section, The Graveyard Stompers are sure to put a smile on your face and a chill down your spine!

Their newest album, that tells tales of zombie revenge, serial killers with heart, sexy werewolf women, black magic voodoo, panty-raiding aliens, pirates gone mad, vengeful girlfriends, creeps, weirdos and more, is now available on iTunes, Amazon mp3 and other digital music stores!

"When preparing for a performance, Midnight Syndicate is the perfect music choice to set the mood and get The Graveyard Stompers in the Halloween spirit!"
- Jack D. Ripper, Guitarist for The Graveyard Stompers

"The music of Midnight Syndicate is that rare experience that takes you on a journey to those beautifully dark regions of your mind. Once there, I find myself never wanting to leave."
- Johnny Hellfire, Vocalist for The Graveyard Stompers

R. Michael Burns

R. Michael Burns is pleased to announce the publication of his first novel, Windwalkers from Evil Jester Press. He has previously published stories in a number of magazines and anthologies, including Bound for Evil, Horror Library III, and Cthulhu Express. He is also an Active member of the Horror Writers Association.

When a freak blizzard forces college friends Nick Bookman and Robin Kelley to take shelter in an isolated church, they find themselves among a group of strangers fighting to survive the attacks of the windwalkers, legendary creatures that feed on human flesh -- and on the darkest longings of the human heart.

"Midnight Syndicate's music flows directly from the Jungian Shadow, the dark core of fear itself. I can honestly tell you that many of the hours I spent writing and revising Windwalkers were also spent with Midnight Syndicate lending me just the right mood for monster-making."
- R. Michael Burns

Krista Cagg

Krista Cagg has just released her new steampunk series. Called The William's Hunt, it officially released on December 1st with the first book: Shove Off. The series features a band of pirates against a corrupt corporation with a monopoly on time travel. New episodes will launch monthly! More information on the series can be found here.

"Storytelling has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't until one certain story just needed to be told that I began entertaining the notion of writing it all down. Inspired by the music of Midnight Syndicate, my first novelette, Blackest Rose, was born. Encouraged by Edward Douglas, whom I had met at Dragon*Con, I entered it into a respected contest for aspiring authors. After an agonizing wait that spanned months longer than what is normal for the contest due to understandable, but nerve shredding delays...I lost! However, my red headed attitude came to the fore, and with a hearty Eff Yew, I had no idea what I was going to do, but by darn I was going to do it! Now with writing The William’s Hunt series, Midnight Syndicate remains a staple on my playlist. " - Krista Cagg

Throne of Anguish

Throne of Anguish has branched from its thrash metal roots and has started exploring more ambient sounds, while still retaining the signature aggression from its previous band, Dementia 13. There is no real category for the band, suffice to say it is "metal": elements of thrash, power, black, death, and industrial, there is no one specific style. Major influences to the stylings of music range from bands such as Immortal, Emperor, Iced Earth, and even more industrial bands such as Dawn of Ashes, and Psyclon Nine, as well as ambient sounds from bands such as Midnight Syndicate. Previews of the band's music are available at Sound Cloud.

Their album Shade of Night will enter the haunted realm of your mind, through a dark forest, into a forbidden house on a hill, and call you to discover what dread mysteries are beyond the threshold. Discover the secrets that lay within its walls, buried within its foundation. Let the music be your brush, and your mind the canvas, as you try to paint a darker Shade of Night. The album is available at Amazon, iTunes and CDBaby.

For a listen at an industrial, thrash metal journey through a zombie apocalypse, check out the newest Throne of Anguish album, A Dead Day Will Dawn. Available now at CDBaby and iTunes.

"Midnight Syndicate... where to begin? Whether it's giving that imaginative enhancement on a rainy night, or the mystical enhancement to my D&D campaigns, these guys have proven that they are masters of the macabre. Their music weaves tapestries of mystique and horror that will haunt you long after the final chord has struck." - J. Daniel Edenfield, Throne of Anguish

Karnival Kaleidoscope
featuring Carnival Arcane CD
Kevin Lancaster

This video is mostly about capturing the essence of Midnight Syndicate's dark carnival-themed album Carnival Arcane. This video is basically a mixture of the fun side and the dark side of carnivals, circuses, and clowns. Filming began on October 7, 2011 and was completed on October 7, 2012. The footage and pictures were taken at Cedar Point, Disneyland, Sea World, The Shrine Circus, two zoos, a cider mill, Las Vegas, New Orleans, and a total of fifteen carnivals between May 6th and September 15, 2012. Additional footage was taken at home.

"Thanks to Midnight Syndicate for making the greatest dark carnival album of all time, Carnival Arcane. The dark and twisted Lancaster-Rigby Carnival inspired me to make this video." - Kevin Lancaster

Angela Ryer

Angela is a self taught artist. Through her love of Halloween, Classic Horror and Historic Cemeteries, she created her own line of Halloween/Horror Themed Christmas Ornaments. She runs her own Etsy store where you can find, not only her Ornaments, but prints of her cemetery and Halloween inspired Artwork. Her Etsy store can be found here. You can also find out more about her at http://www.facebook.com/aryerstudio.

"Midnight Syndicate came into my life 10 years ago at a time when I really needed them. Through their music, I found myself, inspiration and my voice as an artist. They gave me focus to become the artist I have always wanted to be. I don't know where I would be today without them." - Angela Ryer

Band of Orcs

Fantasy metal band Band of Orcs has just released their full-length debut CD, Adding Heads to the Pile. Band of Orcs hail from Hirntodia but came to the Earth realm as the chaotic nexus of a die-roll on a random encounter table of a well-known role-playing game and solar flare activity, or perhaps as the result of a practical joke played upon the poor gamers by the ultra-dimensional trickster known as Gruesom Grimp. The gamers, of course, are now dead, but the Game Master's older brother, Jed, saved his own life by offering to teach the Orcs to wield this magic called HEAVY METAL. SLAYER's Reign in Blood plays in the background of Jed's room and eased the rage of the beasts--they found that Metal was something suitable for A BAND OF ORCS to master and use as a method of recruitment to Dominate Earth.

So it began…Domination is near.

"The Rage, The Dead Matter…dead humanz…Gogog can’t get enough. Gloomy, uncertain of fate...grungrich round every corner. ..make Gogog feel...fear and that rare. Gogog praises Midnight Syndicate for make me feel fear. Hail Gzoroth…music frighteningly good!" - Gogog

"Midnight Syndicate paint soulscapes uv doom, destruction, and domination with sound. Us spare MS when Domination comes. Hail Gzoroth!!!!" - Gzoroth

James Guentner

James Guentner's artwork starts with a photo of his subject's creepiest expression. Using the photo, and acrylics as his medium, he creates a painting of his subject as an evil clown. His backgrounds depict carnival fields in the night. His evil clown artwork will be on display at the Bottle Brush Gallery in Harmony, PA starting on October 27, 2012. It is also available for purchase at Fine Art America.

"The music of Midnight Syndicate's "Carnival Arcane" really sets the mood for my evil carnival clowns. It inspired me to change my paintings and make them even creepier." - James Guentner

Chris Roberts

Chris Roberts is a talented Canadian artist with a fun, unique style we think you will enjoy as much as we do! In his own words: "I am a longtime horror movie and art fan. My work is a way of combining both interests. It's also my revenge for years of art history classes." Check out more of Chris' artwork at Monsterbatory World on Etsy.

"I love Midnight Syndicate's music! As their neighbor at the last five Fan Expos, their music has always provided great horror atmosphere!" - Chris Roberts

Haunted Portraits

At the end of a lonely cemetery road in a small Texas town, Norm Lanier toils to bring the dead back to life. He does not use a witch's brew, lightning, or voodoo magic; although it is rather easy to apply these things metaphorically to his work. Take one photograph of a dead ancestor, add some computer wizardry, swirl it around, toss in a pinch of special laminate and viola! The result is a Haunted Portrait.

Norm's latest creation is the Haunted Portrait App which brings all of his gruesome creations to your iPhone or iPad. We're proud to have partnered with Norm on this unique app by including four of our songs that loop as the portraits morph.

"When I started developing the app I wanted to add an extra dimension to the experience. That's when the idea of adding music hit me. There wasn't even a thought of whom to work with, I've been following the work of Midnight Syndicate for years. If they hadn't said yes to the idea I just wouldn't have had any music in the app." - Norm Lanier

The app is now available in the iTunes App Store - Haunted Portrait App and you can see his Changing Portraits at his site www.HauntedPortraits.com.

Tamara Dozier

Tamara Dozier is an artist and the owner of Tilted Asylum Studio. She loves sculpting figurines, art dolls, and jewelry. But, her favorite is her darker art, like her Ghost Dolls and Zombie jewelry. Some of her dolls and figurines have so much to say that often, she will write a poem to go with them. Her collectors seem to like having a poem written just for their sculptures. She has a blog where you can see her art or just find out what she's up to: http://tiltedasylum.blogspot.com. You can also find her art in her shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/tdozierart.

"I love listening to Midnight Syndicate while I'm working in my studio. Their music really helps get me in the mood to sculpt my darker Art Dolls and jewelry." --- Tamara Dozier

Red Reign FX

If you've seen the Midnight Syndicate booth at shows, then you're familiar with our centerpiece CD displays. They are designed by the incredibly talented duo at Red Reign FX. Red Reign FX is a small company based out of Northeast Ohio that specializes in one of a kind Halloween props, costumes, masks, special fx makeup, costumed characters, dark art, sculpture, and point of sale displays! They also design, build, and produce haunted attractions, which is where they got their start and consider their specialty. They like challenges and specialty orders and say that there isn't anything they absolutely cannot do. If you're in the need for a custom, one-of-a-kind prop, mask or display be sure to check them out on Facebook. We can personally vouch for the quality and creativity that goes into everything they produce!

"Midnight Syndicate has been the soundtrack to our career. Whenever we need a little creative boost, we put on a little Midnight Syndicate and reach for our dark side." --- Red Reign FX

T. K.

T.K. is an up and coming author who prides herself in writing stories that both frighten and keep readers guessing till the end. "The only thing I do not enjoy (about writing), is not being present when a reader reaches the main plot twist of a story. When they read that 'twist', I love the expression on their faces!" T.K.'s new book The 7 is available on Amazon at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0081OT5BC.

"When I was finalizing the book, I am happy to admit I was listening to Midnight Syndicate. The music just seemed to go along with what was happening in the story." --- T.K.

Sean Beeson

A fellow composer from Ohio! Sean Beeson is an award-winning media composer and the owner of Sean Beeson Studios, LLC located in rural Ohio. His characteristic sound can be heard across multiple platforms and mediums and has been nominated for multiple industry awards, including three G.A.N.G. Awards. Sean's recent work can be heard in games on multiple consoles ranging from iPhone to 360, (for serious and casual games), and in film trailers and television. To hear his work, including the epic Betrayal at Krontara, visit his site: www.seanbeeson.com.

"Midnight Syndicate are one of the reasons I got into music. Some of the first music I wrote commercial was for a local haunted attraction and it has all kind of just carried on from there." --- Sean Beeson

Mizfit Tha Menace

Mizfit Tha Menace is a horrorcore artist out of Brooklyn NY. "Whether you're familiar with horrorcore or this is the first you've heard of it, I invite you to listen to my style of the genre. A Twisted mind and open ears are necessary." You can find out more on his website at: www.horrorhimself.com.

"The music made by Midnight Syndicate can warp the world around you to look and feel how it SHOULD. Beautifully dark and epic scores." --- Mizfit Tha Menace

Corril Slayer

Do you remember those awesome classic, side-scrolling, shoot-em-up arcade games of the 90s? Love Castlevania? Game designer, Eric Ruth has made a career of developing games made in that same fun, retro style. His latest, Corril Slayer, follows the adventures of a dual magnum-toting, "I see dead people" hero Sam Asherton as he battles legions of the dead to the sounds of Midnight Syndicate! Corril Slayer is now available through Pure Bang Games for only $2.99! To order your copy and check out the trailer, click here!

haunTopic Radio

haunTopic Radio is a new radio show for Haunters by Haunters. An audio realm that takes one topic from the Haunted House, Halloween, & Horror Industry and really digs deep into that subject. They include interviews from the professionals, highlight upcoming artists, and provide answers to those difficult industry questions. If you are a Dark Creative, you'll love haunTopic Radio! Currently, the best place to go to listen is http://scaryvisions.com. They will be updating their main site over the next few months http://hauntopic.com. Darryl also hosts the show at http://dedmonton.com.

"Midnight Syndicate has been an inspiration to us from the beginning. Before we even knew that there was such a thing as 'The Haunt Industry.' We'll stick our ear buds in and we're taken for a journey through each track; sometimes we never want to come back..." - Brian Foreman / Darryl Plunkie

Ghost Provokers

Our favorite paranormal spoofers, Ghost Provokers, have released an all-new episode! This time the team takes on the infamous Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro. Enjoy the music? Show producer Dr. David Jordan did great remixes of Midnight Syndicate's Fallen Grandeur and Shadows that you can check out on iTunes and Amazon!

Apex Publishing

Do you remember Choose Your Own Adventure Books from the 80s? Apex Publishing is bringing it back with this new novel set during a zombie apocalypse. We love it! You are one of the last survivors in a city overrun by the walking dead. The government advises citizens to remain indoors. But you're not getting any safer, and you'd be wise to get out of town while you can. There is only one way out, and it won't be an easy path. Zombies, thieves, cultists, gun-nut survivalists, and the military stand in your way. See if you can survive a zombie apocalypse in this choose-your-own-adventure novel. For more info, click here. Apex Publishing produces award-winning science fiction, fantasy, and horror in print and digital formats. Their authors include Brian Keene, J.M. McDermott, Wrath James White, and many others.

"I strongly recommend 'The 13th Hour' as the soundtrack to this novel!" - Jason Sizemore (Publisher)

Daniel Byrd

Daniel Byrd's work is often described as "dark" or "horrific," and he's just fine with that. He has won numerous awards, as well as had his work featured on magazine, CD, and DVD covers. Daniel is currently working on a graphic novel. His official website is www.coffinrust.com and you can find him on Facebook. He lives with his wife and their five cats in Mobile, Alabama.

"I first discovered Midnight Syndicate at a convention 13 years ago. The wonderful music pouring from the speakers at their booth caught my attention immediately; it was just the sort of thing I had been looking for. After all these years, I greatly anticipate each new release while frequently revisiting old favorites. Midnight Syndicate is perfect for creating instant atmosphere while sitting in front of a drawing desk or easel. There is no substitute." - Daniel Byrd

Hunter Shea

John Backman specializes in inexplicable phenomena; the weirder the better. So when he gets a letter from a terrified man describing an old log home with odd whisperings, shadows that come alive, and rooms that disappear, he can't resist the call. But the violence only escalates as soon as John arrives in the remote Alaskan village of Shida. Something dreadful happened there. The shadows are closing in...and they're out for blood. Hunter Shea is a horror author and half of the Monster Men Podcast that can be found at www.huntershea.com. Forest of Shadows is available through Amazon.

"I wrote my novel, Forest of Shadows, entirely to Midnight Syndicate's music. They set the perfect tone for me every time I sat down with my laptop. They are a must for writers and fans of horror!" - Hunter Shea

Eve Lestrange

Widdershins introduces a strong female character to the horror genre, Christina Lafage, an Eighteenth Century French girl who sells her soul for the fierce power of the black arts. Christina’s world is filled with spell casting, black magic, distant lands and intense power. The story unfolds with Christina’s introduction into the black arts and explodes into an electrifying series of events that lead her to Egypt, where her power is put to the ultimate test. Eve Lestrange lives in a quiet New Jersey suburb where haunting visions and dreams visit often. After a determined, yet frustrating, career as a musician with New Jersey based Gothic band, The Empire Hideous, she turned to writing as a more desirable creative outlet.

"Midnight Syndicate’s music is perfect for writing; the eerie sounds provide dark landscapes to create the perfect atmosphere for horror." - Eve Lestrange

Ed Beard, Jr.

Ed Beard, Jr. has been creating every monster and fantasy creature your imagination can dream up for the past 30 years. He has over 100 published works from T-Shirts by the Mountain, album covers like Midnight Syndicate's Dark Masquerade, Magic the Gathering and other game cards, and Dungeon and Dragons to the annual Dragon Calendar. Ed has a special place in his tortured soul for Horror art especially the undead and reaper like subject matter. You can view more of Ed's works at www.edbeardjr.com.

Ed has been listening to Midnight Syndicate's music soundtracks since they began, when he picked them up at Gen Con back in the late 90's. "They are a must for any artist who wants to set the mood for his or her next macabre painting. The imagination is truly taken on a journey that simply can't be achieved by listening to any other soundtrack group." - Ed Beard, Jr.

Melodie Hawkins

Melodie is a fantasy/horror digital artist in college. Her specialty is mythology. When dealing with horror themes, she likes to look back to older horror movies and to the psychological aspects of fear to inspire her. An upcoming comic she's working on is based on both Gates of Delirium and The 13th Hour. Although it is still a work in progress, the main character (a young psychic named Elena), the bad guys (all based on the Haverghast family), and some of the other ideas are all based on the albums' concepts.

"I love having Midnight Syndicate playing whilst I draw - sets the best mood." - Melodie Hawkins

Abigail Larson

Abigail's ambition of running away and joining the circus never really worked out - she was always an easily distracted young lady - so she took to drawing instead. One thing that has never wavered in her taste is a deep affection for Halloween, and the kinds of shadowy creatures that the season of death brings about. She spends her days immersed in Midnight Syndicate's melodic forays into the macabre, and pours her imagination onto paper. With their music, she has found not only inspiration, but also comfort that she is not alone in her search for beauty in darkness. You can visit her online at www.abigaillarson.com.

"Midnight Syndicate's songs are scores to my dreams and nightmares. With each album, a new excursion into the darkest recesses of my imagination ensues." - Abigail Larson

William Stolpin

William Stolpin is a printmaker (original screenprints, woodcuts, etchings and the like) and has a number of fantasy prints (castles, dragons and things) among his subjects. He has over fifty portraits of dragons on his website, along with a lot of other neat stuff. His website is StolpinArt.com.

"Your music helps me set a mental mood when I'm working on some of my Fantasy prints. A mysterious, dark and brooding environment helps to get my mind and juices all working together. Other times, I just turn the volume up and immerse myself in the sound!! Either way, I love it!!" - William Stolpin

D. Allen Crowley

Disturbed Graves is a dark, terrifying collection of short stories from horror author, D. Allen Crowley. From gruesome stories of the undead, to bizarre and eerie chance encounters, this haunting and harrowing assemblage of short fiction will chill the most hardened horror fan. Including several of his previously published works, as well as several new and disturbing visions, this collection is best read on a dark, stormy night. Includes the short story, For Whom The Gods Love Die Young, a story inspired by and written to the ghostly and haunting Midnight Syndicate song, Noctem Aeturnus. Available on Kindle and Nook. For more information, click here.

"I'm a product of the 70's and 80's and an unrepentant horror fan. There's something about Midnight Syndicate's music that resonates with the part of me that never grew up; that eternal geek who still dearly loves Dungeons and Dragons, late night horror movie hosts, Halloween, zombies, vampires, werewolves, walks through graveyards beneath an October moon and curdled milk clouds, and all other manner of things that go bump in the night. For a writer, Midnight Syndicate is dark perfection; the perfect background music...." - D. Allen Crowley

David Miller

David O. Miller has created art for many Science Fiction and Fantasy books, magazines and games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Baen Books and Topps trading cards. Mr. Miller works in both traditional (acrylic) and digital (Photoshop) media. Besides his professional work David also teaches courses in Dix Hills, NY. More of his work can be seen at: www.davidomiller.com.

"While painting scenes of horror I often work while listening to Midnight Syndicate. I've found great inspiration in Ed and Gavin's music! Thanks guys!." - David Miller

Angela Ryer

Being an "old school horror" girl, Angela always looked in retail stores for Halloween-themed Christmas ornaments to put on her tree, but was always disappointed. So she took it upon herself to create her own line of traditional Halloween/Horror-themed Christmas ornaments. She also sells prints and blank note cards of her cemetery art which she paints from photos she takes from her walks through historic cemeteries. For more information visit: www.aryerstudio.com. Click here for a recent article on her company.

"I owe everything that I do as an artist to Midnight Syndicate. They put me back in touch with a part of my soul that I long thought dead and inspired me, truly, to be the person/artist that I always wanted and thought I was suppose to be." - Angela Ryer

William Draven

William Draven is a master performer of high impact magic ranging from powerful close-up encounters to jaw dropping stage stunts, with elements of danger and mystique mixed in. He has appeared on the television show Masters of Illusion and performed for celebrities like Tom Hanks and Seth Green. He even headlined Jeff McBride's Wonderground in Las Vegas and appeared at the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. In addition to his stage shows, William Draven is often called upon for his expertise in the field of spiritualism and paranormal investigation. You can find out more at www.williamdraven.com.

"I have used Midnight Syndicate's music for everything from my role playing table to my professional shows. Their music sets an undeniable theme that's right for any spooky occasion. Truly inspiring, I'm a fan of their work." - William Draven

Mark Zahn

Once you enter the world of Edgar Allan Poe's Eureka, you may never be the same again... In this unique interpretation of the tragic poet's self proclaimed masterpiece, we are offered a glimpse at Poe's startlingly original ideas on God, the universe, the afterlife, and more. In Modern Poe, Edgar Allan Poe devotee Mark Zahn attempts to bring the brilliance of the poet's most challenging-and controversial-ideas into the modern world through unique poetical interpretations.

"It was Midnight Syndicate's music that played in the background while I sifted through Poe's 'Eureka', so thanks so much for the inspiration to keep on toiling away when I truly needed it." - Mark Zahn

Bethany Schmitz

"Last year, when I stopped by the Midnight Syndicate booth at DragonCon, I mentioned that I belly dance to the music. This video is from the 2011 DragonCon Silk Road Expo. I danced to 'Lost' on this one, but I have also performed to 'Born of the Night', which remains my favorite of all Midnight Syndicate's music!" - Bethany Schmitz

Maschinen Kinder

Maschinen Kinder is a professional traveling acting troupe and design team based out of Chicago, IL, that specializes in the fine art of acting and designing for haunted attractions and live events. They're skilled costume designers, makeup artists, actors, graphics, web, and audio designers. 100% original and one of a kind, Maschinen Kinder will leave your heart pounding and your mind racing, wondering what madness they will attack you with next! You may even recognize the good Doctor Lollipop... It's Gruesome Joe from Rotting Flesh Radio's Musical Morgue! For more information visit: http://www.MaschinenKinder.com.

"We LOVE Midnight Syndicate and will often use their music to get us in the right mindset while working on a new costume, getting ready for a night of haunting, or during a photo shoot to keep the mood. It's also great to crank up a good Midnight Syndicate track in the car on the way to a haunt--it gets us ready to hit the ground running when we arrive on location. Clearly, it's some of the very best music for those in the industry, on pretty much all levels!" - Doctor Lollipop

The Patient Creatures (East)

The Patient Creatures (East) are a group of performers and storytellers who specialize in Halloween-themed entertainment any time of the year. They have been performing for the past two decades throughout the northeast U.S. at conventions, haunted attractions, amusement parks, schools and libraries, and anywhere else looking to add some spooky entertainers. Their current line-up includes The Grim Reaper, storytelling devil Kuzibah, and screaming banshee Moira.

"We have been fans of Midnight Syndicate since their earliest albums, both as an atmospheric addition to haunts of all sizes, but also at home throughout the year." - Kuzibah

Amauri Casagrande

"They appeared surrounded by a dome of mystical energy, as if the world was standing still, and the Universe respectfully intoned 'Soliloquy' by Midnight Syndicate..." (excerpted from the book Myalnah by Amauri Casagrande). Brazilian author Amauri Casagrande has written several dark suspense books, the most recent being Myalnah & The Presence of Lucifer. Myalnah takes a very controversial look at the character of Lucifer utilizing concepts introduced by the works of Aleister Crowley, Anton Szandor Lavey, and poet Lord Byron. Citing Midnight Syndicate as an inspiration, he enjoys writing dark suspense novels that "mess with the heads of readers." For more information visit Amauri's website - http://amauricasagrande.com.

"I like heavy metal, hard rock, melodic, symphonic, progressive and classical music (Beethoven, Chopin). The Midnight Syndicate sound fits well into all possibilities. It's very inspiring to write fantastic stories to." - Amauri Casagrande

Garage Sale (featuring Veiled Hunter from The 13th Hour)
by Mark Zahn - Drive-In of the Dead

The twisted minds at Drive-In of the Dead have created a faux trailer set to Veiled Hunter from The 13th Hour. Drive-In of the Dead is a website that pays tribute to the lost art of drive-in movies; featuring movie reviews, interviews, scream queens, and more (including a recent interview with Edward Douglas). It's the ultimate grindhouse experience!

"My love of vintage horror really came to life from Midnight Syndicate's superb gift of telling a tale via music. GARAGE SALE is a tribute to their musical sensibilities as much as it is to the slashers I grew up with." - Mark Zahn

Mark Cusco Ailes

Tree Of No Boundaries - The Dargles, winged dragons with hearty appetites, invaded the world of Weekland and struck fear in all its inhabitants. Gite, a watcher-turned-berry farmer, has twice escaped these loathsome creatures. But his luck runs out one day as he rescues a baby from the grips of the Dargles. Gite is captured and forced to work in the mines, digging for the ore that gives the dragons their strength and eternal life. Gite's son, Jarat, yearns for adventure. And he's about to get his wish. Aided by Timbree, a Wote who sees the future, Jarat travels through a portal in a tree and recruits a bunch of adventurous kids from Valparaiso, Indiana, to help him in his quest to save his father. Timbree tells Jarat to "think of what you want to accomplish and believe in it." He also tells Jarat that help will come from the most unlikely places. Jarat and his host of friends travel through the portal and meet many challenges in their quest to rescue Gite. They will discover if they have the strength, skills, bravery, and right attitude to face the hundreds of Dargles who stand between them and their goal.

Mark has written a followup entitled Snow Dargles and is currently writing the third book in the series. He plans to continue writing novels in both the fantasy and horror genres for many years to come.

"Midnight Syndicate is the perfect blend of horror music to set the mood for writing novels." - Mark Cusco Ailes

Lesley Bannatyne

On a mission to define the modern Halloween, expert Lesley Pratt Bannatyne delves into the world of enthusiasts, fanatics, and subcultures including horror, Goth, metal, and zombie. In a series of investigative interviews (which include MIDNIGHT SYNDICATE), Bannatyne crafts a portrait of a wildly popular and surprisingly meaningful twenty-first-century Halloween. Fangoria Magazine calls the book "A sophisticated yet playful celebration of all things macabre, morbid, and marvelous . . . an energetic, thorough, and breathless salute to everyone's favorite horror holiday." For more information visit Amazon.com.

"Talking with Midnight Syndicate was a highlight of the research I did on this book; I'd been a fan of their dark soundtracks for years, and getting a chance to take a peek inside Gavin and Ed's minds and imaginations was a real thrill." - Lesley Bannatyne

Darkest Radio

This weekly internet radio program features Dark Alternative music from all corners of the shadows, with a focus on the underground and independent bands. This show is hosted by Darkest Jack, with some of the other Darkest Hours characters dropping in from time to time. Also featured on this audio assault are interviews with musicians, filmmakers, and writers. Darkest Radio airs every Sunday, from 9 to 11pm PST on www.darkestjack.com/darkestradio. After the "live" broadcast, each episode is interned in the podcast graveyard, where it is available to listen to or download anytime.

Darkest Radio is an offshoot of The Darkest Hours which is a Dark Alternative variety show showcasing the best of the Dark Alternative world. The host, Darkest Jack, is combination of a Zackerley, Elvira, Sigmund, Crypt Keeper type of character. The fiends that live in The Mansion also join this bizarre show. The Darkest Hours features: music, interviews, undead performances, and other art forms. All of this is stitched together by commentary, comedy sketches, and The Noose. Think David Letterman meets sketch show meets Halloween. The show airs every Sunday online at The Monster Channel, www.100ymm.com. They can also be seen on TV in Orange and Ventura Counties in Southern California.

"Midnight Syndicate is synonymous with Halloween and Horror. To put on any of their musical masterpieces is to be transported to a world of shadow and Gothic sensibilities. Each album is a carefully crafted experience that takes the listener to strange and haunting locations. From a haunted asylum to the land of vampires to a world where dragons live. The instrumentation, melodies, and sounds are carefully selected and composed to faithfully represent the visions Midnight Syndicate want to show you. These albums are the soundtracks to the macabre movies of your mind." - Darkest Jack

Rob Tribby

Title of Painting: Memories of Mortality (inspired by The 13th Hour) - "Well Orchestrated, each Midnight Syndicate piece plays like a haunting dark movie soundtrack in my head, allowing my subconscious to easily release its dark visions." - Rob Tribby.

Rob is a sculptor, painter, and sketch artist. See more of his work on Facebook at Grim Reflections.